Aslam-0-Alikum, I have a good news for multics panel users and the news is that we’ve developed multics xtream panel v4.2 next release multics xtream panel v4.8 of for Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 Operating System with php version 7.2.
You can see what new feature was in multics panel 4.2 in our this blog post
1- we have improve oscam feature in this release, it’s not bad if call that this release oscam panel v4.8 because now you can fully control your oscam lines using this panel release with additional rules for each user via config.php file.
2- we have add cccam tester in this release now you don’t need to verify line is working from your emulator or something else that things now your users can check by themselves from panel cccam tester tools if in case line not working in user device then use can verify line status using this useful tool help is line ok from server or not then he take further action after check line.
3- we have add auto exchange in this release that you can enable and disable via config.php file.
4- we have completely change panel theme to latest framework that supported all type of browser and we use advance content compression technology there that mean you can experience fast page opening and action perform experience.
5- we have upgrade sub-reseller system to pro-reseller system. that mean now you can create multiple pro-reseller group that can create sub-reseller in different groups ids that setup by admin.
6- we have add enable disable iptv api feature from user group setting if in case you don’t want use iptv api there or you can manage iptv and cccam funds type as well (together or separate)
7- add worldwide auto translate that translate every single page of panel perfectly and you also can enable or disable translate via config.php file by just change one value.
8- we optimize the table size and make it more mobile friendly by improve responsive layouts, and many other little improvement we did
So what you waiting for if your already buy incense from us for multics panel 4.2 or less then this version then you can freely use this update on same license like always we give updates free of cost on one time license purchase.
For fresh installation commands +file or tutorial or upgrading your multics xtream panel from v2.1.5 or v3.0 or v4.2 to >= v4.8
Download Link:
Agreement: these all files or commands that you will purchase from us is not for sharing or not licensed for resale.
We sale this panel for lifetime at one time fee and every new release or update free of cost like always if you choice our services
if you already take v.30 or 4.2 license you can get this update free of cost from this link and update method from v4.2 to v.48 already mention in this link:
Developer: @Muhammad Ashan.